How to Turn a $3 Garage Sale Find into $2 Million
New Jersey's Premier Appraisal, Asset Liquidation, and Estate Sale Co.
This will NOT happen when you hire Magnusson Estate Services: A New York family has turned a $3 garage sale purchase of a rare Chinese "Ding" bowl into a $2.22 million sale at a recent NY auction. The unnamed family had displayed it in the living room for several years before becoming curious about its origins and having it examined by professionals. It was sold to a London art dealer after a battle involving four bidders - far above the pre-sale estimate of $200,000 to $300,000. The bowl is from the Northern Song Dynasty, which ruled China from 960 to 1279. It is the only known bowl of the same form, size and almost identical decoration has been in the collection of the British Museum in London for more than 60 years. Source: Reuters
We frequently shop at "professional" estate sales in New Jersey, purchasing items that were not researched and priced properly. We have witnessed sales made at the expense of the unsuspecting homeowner. Lauren Magnusson, Manager of Magnusson Estate Sales, engages certified and accredited appraisers and specialists in her research and pricing strategies.